Treasure Island

Grey’s Anatomy

Jackson Avery’s mother should have let him go into modeling.

            I had a dream that Jackson Avery, one of the doctors on Grey’s Anatomy, was angry with his Mom, also a Doctor, played by Debbie Allen, formerly of “Fame.” In my dream, he was angry with her because she had pushed him so hard to become a doctor that he had forgone a modeling career. Clearly, modeling is a career at which he would undoubtedly have been successful, because he is, indeed, a beautiful man. This is troubling in so many ways. First, a man who grows up in a wealthy family should still be allowed to pursue his dreams of becoming a model. He should not feel compelled by circumstance and aggressive parenting to become a doctor, for Pete’s sake. Second, I don’t know the name of Debbie Allen’s doctor character; I just know she is Jackson’s Mom. I should know better. Third, I can only remember Debbie Allen’s character on “Grey’s” because years ago she was on the TV show “Fame.” Or was it a movie? (“You want fame? Fame is going to cost you.”). I have a vague, faded memory that “Fame” used to be a movie, or a TV show. I don’t know if was made after the TV show, or the other way around. Fourth and finally, why am I having dreams about Grey’s Anatomy?!?

            A lot of people under the age of 50-ish don’t even know what “Fame” is, and by that I mean the show, not necessarily the actual state of having it. They’ll get their 15 minutes. In fact, almost every beautiful woman, if they wait long enough, and especially if they have any background that may or may not prove useful, or if they have zero or many political aspirations, a relative in Russia, a daughter who is a model (whether or not she works with Jackson Avery, which she couldn’t because Jackson had to become a doctor instead, so he never did become a model). Also because Jackson Avery is not a real person (duh), or, most especially, if she herself is a Russian model, she most definitely, almost certainly, well probably, might be able to get her fifteen 15 minutes of fame. Regardless of qualifications, Trump might even give her a bizarre seat on the Cabinet, or even as his Attorney General. Or maybe as his newest PR person. And fifth, Debbie Allen is old, which by extension means I am old because I’m 50. I’ve never even had my 15 minutes of fame…but I would be really good at PR.

By Feisty Quill

Writer (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, music)

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