Treasure Island

Now that Kids have Corona!

The virus matters for the elderly, too, not just rashy little kids.

When people thought it was only elderly and sick people who would die from Covid-19, it didn’t matter as much. Not that it wasn’t important, it just didn’t matter as much. Even millennials aren’t so callous as to not care altogether if old people die. (Just kidding, millennials. It’s called a joke. You’ll be okay). 

Actual image taken completely out of context

            Somehow, now that the damn virus is striking children, giving them ugly little rashes, and making it hard for them to breathe, for some reason now it’s actually, really, truly important. For realsies.  As someone in not just one but two vulnerable populations (both a child and an older person), I find this alarming, to say the least. When it was just old people dying, some lunatics were so crazy as to even attend marches and shout, “Let them die, let them die.” Really? Okay, they probably didn’t have actual marches with chanting, (I think they did, though. Grimace emoji. Then again that could have been more of a save-the-Earth type of thing). However, the genocide-ic “let them die” mentality really does exist, especially in Texas. You’ve probably heard about this by now, when Texas Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, told Fox News, he was sure that older people would be willing to die to save the economy. “Do we have to shut down the entire country for this? I think we can get back to work.” That was six weeks ago.  Six weeks later, there are little kids getting Corona virus, and now it matters. Paradoxically, California and other states are now open for business, even though nothing has changed. Bizarre.

            First of all, if you are like me (as in a human being), you probably recognize that old people are human, too. If anything, we should let the little kids die because it would allow continued slowing of the human population. We definitely don’t need more of us humans. If we’re honest, the humans that already do exist are not doing such a great job at it, especially in light of the “let them die” movement. Besides, old people are likely to die soon anyway, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

Picture already used in “Neglecting our Old People” post

By Feisty Quill

Writer (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, music)

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