
Labor Day

Strange that people have to work on Labor Day. Disgusting that there is so much starvation on the planet.

I find it amusing how we don’t have to work on Labor Day. It is funny, right? Not completely true, honestly. Of course, plenty of people do have to work on Labor Day. People work at all sorts of jobs and for all sorts of reasons, and not only so that Spouse and I can buy the popcorn we “need” to be able to buy for when we watch our Netflix and lie on the couch. “Need. Popcorn.” You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Sadly, there can be no popcorn lines during Covid…

In a different blog entry ages ago, I’ve already discussed that not only should popcorn be consumed when watching movies, I suggested it should, in fact, be required. It’s popcorn for Pete’s sake. What is better? Trick question, of course. Lots of things are better than popcorn. Chocolate, for one thing. Potato chips, for another. Chocolate. Potato chips. Repeat ad infinitum.

Of course, it is lovely to wash down the chips with something. Remember the old days, when we used to go to that mysterious place we now see in black and white movies on Netflix? You know, hmm, what were they called? Oh, that’s right! Movie theaters! I remember those! Anyway, back in the old days, when we could go to those vintage places, now covered with cobwebs upon broken projectors, we used to watch movies. In movie theaters. Theaters used to be my go-to place for summers. Movie theaters: the refuge for people who need to have air conditioning, but don’t want to pay for it. It’s a little like libraries for homeless (home-free?) people. Free air conditioning. (Movie theaters across the country are suffering mechanical issues by projectors not having been used). I’m sure there are plenty that have continued to be in use, though, too, which is stupid since there’s still some sort of a teensy virus out there. You might have heard of it? Bizarrely, that projector problem is a real thing–unless a local theater near my Mom’s small town is scamming us with their fundraiser.

Anyway, in the olden days, when we used to be able to go to the movies, and before the entire state of CA caught on fire (what, did Donald Trump accidentally apply hairspray near a lit candle?) there were these amazing Concession stand ads. The sound of fizzy drinks, ice clinking in the cup, the sound of popcorn popping. Those ads were sooo good. You could have come straight from a Denny’s after eating a Grand Slam with sausage, eggs, and pancakes and feel like you were going to burst. However, watching those ads you are suddenly compelled to go to the concession stand. You become sure that not only can you stuff down your Grand Slam, but you need to stuff it down to make tummy room! Just the sounds in that ad are so delicious you become convinced that you have to, and I mean have to, have a soda and some popcorn.

That’s actually disgusting, and it’s something I find true about myself (that I will continue to eat even when I am no longer hungry). I think that’s not just personal, not just me. It’s cultural. The United States is the only place I know of where food is also entertainment: competitive hot dog eating contests, pie eating, movie theater concession stands, etc. In “Cool Hand Luke” it’s hard boiled eggs. Gross. Frito Lays, whose very slogan is horrific: “Food for the Fun of It.” In a world where there are so many going hungry, we have “Food for the Fun of it.” That’s just wrong.

“Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 821 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition.”

Food Aid Foundation

Suddenly, I’ve lost my appetite.

By Feisty Quill

Writer (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, music)

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