Treasure Island

Racist Words of Hate and Division

(AKA Things President Trump has said…and not said). Trump did, indeed, say that when Mexican immigrants come in, “they are not sending their best…rapists, murderers,” etc., etc. HE said that, not the media. Trump. In 2017, after Chartlottesville, when several people were injured and one woman killed, he DID say that there were “fine people […]

Serious Treasure Island

Breath Holding for 8 days!

A blog entry I started 9 days ago, finally finished, and am now in nail-biting anxiety as much as the next guy. Who will become our President?

Politics Serious

5 Reasons You Should NOT Vote for Trump

I offer 5 good reasons not to vote for Trump. I also have a picture of a woman from Sweden (disguised as a Norwegian). Also, way more than 5 reasons disguised as subpoints.

Politics Serious

The Best

Looking back at the triumphs and trials of the Trump presidency. Hopefully not looking forward…

Corona Virus Politics

Crocodile Tears

You will immediately know why I am not particularly sad for the Trumps now that out President has tested positive. Then, together we all learn about three kinds of tears.

Politics Serious

Vomiting and Crying AKA: Presidential Debate

The shame of our first Presidential debate, the shame of our Presidency, and two men fighting like little kids in our diseased United States.