
Feisty Quill is the brainchild of Christina Parkhurst Barber, a left-handed quasi-vegetarian (No beef or pork). I’m an “over-educated” creative writer, creative thinker, and singer-song writer of dubious musical talent, (although I have sung the National Anthem a few times at Sacramento Kings games, which is pretty cool if you think about it). My over-educated self has a Master’s Degree in Communication Studies and a second Master’s Degree in Women’s Studies. However, is it possible to actually be “over-educated?” Hmm…

I used to be a mermaid.

I love to laugh, dance, sing, and swim. My favorite place is the ocean, and I used to be a mermaid. Just kidding. In real life, I was a college professor for more than two decades, until I changed my life drastically, just prior to Covid. (Hallelujah!). I now devote myself to writing full time. I would still like to be a mermaid, but I don’t think it’s a real job. (How do I know, though? Just because I’ve never met a mermaid, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.)

I write Feisty Quill for the sheer joy of creativity, and to work on something other than my first novel, which is now in its fussy, second-draft stage. Because of that, I am only on Feisty Quill intermittently, because my darn book won’t edit itself. Shucks.

I’m not trying to make a fortune here (and I don’t). Every time I write, I simply sit down at my desk and let the muse take me where she will, and it’s a blast. Sometimes it’s politics. Sometimes it’s hair. I even have an entry called “Politics and Hair.” More recently, I often go to a dark place about death, because my Mom died in May and my life has forever changed.

This is our desk.

“My” cat owns me as well as owns my husband. It’s okay: he is the most beautiful cat anyone has ever seen. If he weren’t so shy, he would be an award-winning show cat. When I am not writing, I am catering to his every demand. This includes such critical duties as brushing him, scratching under his chin, and behind his ears. I am privileged to do so, of course. (Fellow cat servants understand.) I do like dogs, too; I just don’t have one. Yap yap dogs are the exception–see May 2020. I don’t like those.

Like my cat, my husband also lovingly, inexplicably, tolerates me. We have now been married for 24 years, and I sometimes wonder why he puts up with my weird strangeness. (Strange weirdness?). Because he loves me, that’s why. I am so very fortunate. Grateful.

I believe in peace, love, and a sharp sense of sarcasm. I know that I see the world through my own strange lens. I have sick, gallows humor, and sometimes I am the only one laughing at my curious jokes. I don’t mind. However, I hope you will join me, and give a little chuckle from time to time. If so, please do subscribe and comment on my blog often, share it with others, email me at feistyquill@gmail.com or meet me on Facebook. If you enjoy the Feisty Quill, share, share, share. Thanks for reading!