Treasure Island

Getting Old at the Speed of Instagram

I’m old, my printer light is on all the time, and I lived through the invention of the internet. Oh, and I still have a landline.

Serious Treasure Island

ThInK iNSiDe ThE bOx

Why it’s a good idea to think INSIDE the box sometimes. Even for extroverts, a little time in a cozy, quiet space can be exactly what’s needed.

Politics Serious

“Supreme Court out of my Uterus”

~ Read when you have plenty of time ~ I realize that I am more than one week late to the races here as far as the Supreme Court decision on Roe is concerned, but I was too angry to write. Not to mention, I’m still grieving for my Mom’s death in late May. However, […]

Serious Treasure Island

I am Fury, and Texas is an Asshole

June 20, 2022 Today I am fury. I don’t feel fury. I am not furious. I fucking am fury!             Today my Mom is still dead, Day 32, and I hate God. That is to say, I would hate God, if I believed in him—or her—or them, which actually makes the most sense if you […]

Family Lifestyle Serious

My Mom Just Died: How to Grieve like a Boss

Feisty Quill rides the waves of grief, and she’ll show YOU how to do it, too.

Family Serious

Paying the Fiddler: Losing a Parent

“Didn’t anybody ever tell you, Annie? When you dance you pay the man who plays the tune?” Larry Gatlin, 1973 Penny Annie was a Larry Gatlin song from the 1973 album “The Pilgrim.” I remember dancing to it, over and over, both when I was quite new on this earth and later, when I was […]

Treasure Island

War All Over and Triskaidekaphobia

Feisty looks at the origin of the Friday 13th superstition, shows a mean video, and goes on socially aware, yet simultaneously sexist rant.

Serious Treasure Island

Papaya Yahtzee and Other Poems

Feisty Quill writes some poetry. A box is a poor substitute for a dog.

Treasure Island

Disgusted by the Second Mango

Enough is as much as a feast for a fool. Why more is not always better.


How to enjoy being self-un-employed

Feisty gives tips for cleaning, playing the air drums, and living through these crazy times.