Family Serious Tribute

Death and Jack Jack: The Dog, Not the Man

My brother’s dog died. Many hearts are broken.

Serious Treasure Island

Today is the first day of…

Life is hard, short, beautiful. Your college relationships aren’t always with someone whose name starts with an “A.”


The Un-expected Bitch Known as Grief

Grief, that bitch, comes unexpected and hard. Home Depot, wherever. Never convenient. Tears and snot on my sweatshirt!

Lifestyle Serious

How to Have Soft Skin

Feisty Quill teaches you how to take care of sensitive skin. Hint: It’s a metaphor.

Serious Tribute

The Noble Jack Bibb

I’ve been thinking a lot about Mr. Jack Bibb since his passing…over. He was an excellent human. He was an excellent teacher. Mr. Bibb and Mr. Larrieu doubled as the directors for the annual school musicals: Mr. Larrieu for the music, Mr. Bibb for the drama. As a member of our small community, Mr. Bibb […]

Politics Serious

The Mystery of the Nazi Notebook

It’s a normal day. Feisty Quill goes on a walk. (Suspenseful music here). Then she comes across…the Nazi Notebook.

Politics Serious

Happy Goodbye to the Tyrant Clown!

January 20, President Biden’s inauguration, came and went without a hitch. Phew! First, I must give full credit to my husband, Jack, for first using the phrase “the Tyrant Clown.” I laughed so hard when he said it. I thought, what a perfect, perfect description of this man, this imbecilic Pretend-President, Donald Trump. A wanna-be […]

Politics Serious

In Spite of Nazis, Black Lives Still Matter!

The January 6 events were crazy…and racist. Even I don’t think Pence should be hung!

Corona Virus Family Serious

Gratitude on Covid Thanksgiving, Covid Christmas

Holidays are hard. Stay home, be grateful, stick around for next time.

Family Serious

Neglecting our Elders

Feisty Quill visits Senior Centers in California and discovers they are all you imagine them to be. And worse.