Health Treasure Island

Liminal: Dancing with an Epileptic Brain

A look at the epileptic brain of Feisty Quill. A video of Elaine dancing on Seinfeld. What’s not to like?

Serious Treasure Island

Getting Drunk with Stephen King and Edgar Alan Poe

Feisty’s first dedicated blog entry, and first drunk writing experiment.

Lifestyle Treasure Island

Monarch Butterflies and Pop Tarts

Feisty will believe in God…when there are finally gluten-free chocolate rectangles.

Lifestyle Treasure Island

Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Bangs

Feisty Quill explores hairstyles, aging, and mortality. Bangs.

Treasure Island

Getting Old at the Speed of Instagram

I’m old, my printer light is on all the time, and I lived through the invention of the internet. Oh, and I still have a landline.

Serious Treasure Island

ThInK iNSiDe ThE bOx

Why it’s a good idea to think INSIDE the box sometimes. Even for extroverts, a little time in a cozy, quiet space can be exactly what’s needed.

Serious Treasure Island

I am Fury, and Texas is an Asshole

Today I am fury. I don’t feel fury. I am not furious. I fucking am fury!             Today my Mom is still dead, Day 32, and I hate God. That is to say, I would hate God, if I believed in him—or her—or them, which actually makes the most sense if you think about it, […]

Treasure Island

War All Over and Triskaidekaphobia

Feisty looks at the origin of the Friday 13th superstition, shows a mean video, and goes on socially aware, yet simultaneously sexist rant.

Serious Treasure Island

Papaya Yahtzee and Other Poems

Feisty Quill writes some poetry. A box is a poor substitute for a dog.

Treasure Island

Disgusted by the Second Mango

Enough is as much as a feast for a fool. Why more is not always better.