Politics Treasure Island

Why Snowboarding and Medicare Don’t Mix

“Medicare for all” sounds stodgy and irrelevant. Democrats need to rebrand. Even snowboarders need to go to the hospital sometimes.

Politics Treasure Island

From Goats to Politics… Smorgaspord of Ideas

Thinking about creativity, and need help with a new “tag line.” Cobweb toilet paper still doesn’t have a patent.

Treasure Island

Berkeley vs. Madison

Cookies at breakfast meetings vs. freely using credit cards, cheese curds vs. cross walks, and the battle of the Welcome signs. Who will win the big match of Madison vs. Berkeley?

Politics Treasure Island

Carving out Manatee vs Parrot Politics

A carved manatee, Nancy Pelosi is a parrot, and Biden hires a graffiti artist. It’ll all come together, I promise you.

Family Treasure Island

Gremlins on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is upon us, and in my family, this is truly the start of Christmas. My stepdad, Niels, is Danish, so Christmas for him–and Denmarkians in general–is Christmas Eve. The big, traditional meal, the gifts, the cool tradition of singing carols while circling around a tree that is lit with actual candles. In the […]

Treasure Island

Dreaming of Celebrities

Real life dinner with John Cusack, meeting Emma Thompson, and the softer side of Simon Cowell.

Treasure Island

Thy Brother’s Splinter

If you have a big ass plank in your own eyeball, don’t judge somebody else because they have a “mote.” Whatever that is.

Family Treasure Island


It finally happened. I’m perfect!! At least that’s what my scale said this morning, proudly announcing to me: 130 pounds. That’s it! I made it! I’m finally perfect…             I haven’t weighed 130 pounds since I was in high school a bunch of years ago, back when I weighed, um, 130 pounds. In high school, […]

Treasure Island

Election Saturday with a New President

I write about the pending election results when they are still pending. By the time I finish, Joe Biden is elected!

Serious Treasure Island

The Weirdest Election Week Ever, AKA “What the Fuck?”

It is Thursday of what has become, not election night, but election week. I cannot understand. I don’t mean the electoral college nonsense, which is a take-all for the state, or a leave-all for the state. Oh, except for those weird exception states, where each of the candidates could get partial electoral college votes. You […]