Treasure Island

Racist Words of Hate and Division

(AKA Things President Trump has said…and not said). Trump did, indeed, say that when Mexican immigrants come in, “they are not sending their best…rapists, murderers,” etc., etc. HE said that, not the media. Trump. In 2017, after Chartlottesville, when several people were injured and one woman killed, he DID say that there were “fine people […]

Serious Treasure Island

Breath Holding for 8 days!

A blog entry I started 9 days ago, finally finished, and am now in nail-biting anxiety as much as the next guy. Who will become our President?

Treasure Island


Skullcrusher is a great nickname. Sunny D? Not so much.

Treasure Island


Do fleas have calendars to help them track when the cat’s flea poison stops working?

Treasure Island

Surprise! (Part 2 of 2)

Movies can help make a surprise party a surprise. They can’t, however, make the party fun.

Treasure Island

Surprise! (A 2 part series. This is part 1.)

The first part of a two part series. High school best friends are cool. Surprise parties can be fun….when you are 16.

Politics Treasure Island

Politics and Hair

The important things: We go back to “normal.” My hair was already bad before the quarantine.

Treasure Island

Online vs. One Room Schoolhouse

Online education becomes normalized. Karen’s husband commits adultery.

Treasure Island

Yap Yap Dogs

Our neighbor has a yap yap dog and we all get together for a BBQ.

Treasure Island

Banana Shrimp Pancakes

My Dad and Mom get divorced. My Dad gets remarried. We invent banana shrimp pancakes.