Treasure Island

Eggs Benedict-A kind of true short story

Dreaming of Eggs Benedict and avoiding Russian spies.

Treasure Island

Grey’s Anatomy

Jackson Avery’s mother should have let him go into modeling.

Treasure Island


Why eating popcorn at the movies should be mandatory. The perfect sexy-ugly house dress is important. Strawberries smell like dairy.

Treasure Island

Insomnia 3000

Insomnia. Corona Virus. Dustin Hoffman still gets acting gigs.

Treasure Island

Wrapping Gifts

I was so determined to succeed that I had even bought the fancy paper, so I could cut in a straight line. I did not succeed.

Treasure Island


Welcome, welcome, welcome. I’m not sure how you found yourself here. To be honest, I’m not sure how I found myself here. It took me two years to finish my first novel. Then I woke up and I thought, “What the hell do I do now?” From that question, the Feisty Quill was born. I […]

Lifestyle Treasure Island

Good, Cheap Socks

Once Target abandons me, it’s impossible to find good, cheap socks. The tan ones will never let me down, even though I hate them.