
If you are a sissy, or an overly sensitive baby, this blog is not for you. If you are an actual baby, this blog is not for you, either. (Good on you for already knowing how to read, though!). If you dislike foul language, be warned: sometimes I swear. If you are a language purist, please know that sometimes I make up words, just for the fun of it. If you dislike liberals, you should know that I am one. I say what I want to say, and I write wherever the muse takes me. Sometimes it’s pretty good. Sometimes less so. Blame the muse, please.

I like to think, and I like to think critically. I do not think ANTIFA was responsible for the violent terrorism on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. I support Black Lives Matter, and do not consider the BLM movement a terrorist organization. Duh. While it’s true that yes, all lives matter, Black Lives Matter addresses the fact that historically and currently, Black people have a.) not been treated like people and b.) deserve to be!! So do all people of color. All people, period, even the ones we don’t like. I believe everyone should have the right to vote, gerrymandering be damned. I am not Queer, but I am a strong ally of the GLBTIQ community. I am a feminist. I am a liberal. I am Feisty Quill.