Family Tribute

Dead Writers are People, Too!

My Dad stays Dead for his birthday. Feisty wonders about the writing gene, and Mark Twain makes a combeback.

Corona Virus Treasure Island

Hanging out on the Second Covid Easter

Jesus journeys to Heaven, and Feisty wonders who made the first-ever Easter Brunch?

Treasure Island

The Noble Hummingbird

Sadly, Mr. Bibb is still dead; I take comfort when he takes on the form of a hummingbird and pops by for a little visit.

Serious Tribute

The Noble Jack Bibb

I’ve been thinking a lot about Mr. Jack Bibb since his passing…over. He was an excellent human. He was an excellent teacher. Mr. Bibb and Mr. Larrieu doubled as the directors for the annual school musicals: Mr. Larrieu for the music, Mr. Bibb for the drama. As a member of our small community, Mr. Bibb […]

Politics Treasure Island

Why Snowboarding and Medicare Don’t Mix

“Medicare for all” sounds stodgy and irrelevant. Democrats need to rebrand. Even snowboarders need to go to the hospital sometimes.

Politics Serious

The Mystery of the Nazi Notebook

It’s a normal day. Feisty Quill goes on a walk. (Suspenseful music here). Then she comes across…the Nazi Notebook.


The Unsolved Mystery of Gloves and Socks

Explore mysteries. Discover Feisty Quill’s superpower. Learn about weird hand diseases.

Politics Treasure Island

From Goats to Politics… Smorgaspord of Ideas

Thinking about creativity, and need help with a new “tag line.” Cobweb toilet paper still doesn’t have a patent.

Treasure Island

Berkeley vs. Madison

Cookies at breakfast meetings vs. freely using credit cards, cheese curds vs. cross walks, and the battle of the Welcome signs. Who will win the big match of Madison vs. Berkeley?

Politics Serious

Happy Goodbye to the Tyrant Clown!

January 20, President Biden’s inauguration, came and went without a hitch. Phew! First, I must give full credit to my husband, Jack, for first using the phrase “the Tyrant Clown.” I laughed so hard when he said it. I thought, what a perfect, perfect description of this man, this imbecilic Pretend-President, Donald Trump. A wanna-be […]