Feisty Quill visits Senior Centers in California and discovers they are all you imagine them to be. And worse.

Feisty Quill visits Senior Centers in California and discovers they are all you imagine them to be. And worse.
Real life dinner with John Cusack, meeting Emma Thompson, and the softer side of Simon Cowell.
If you have a big ass plank in your own eyeball, don’t judge somebody else because they have a “mote.” Whatever that is.
It finally happened. I’m perfect!! At least that’s what my scale said this morning, proudly announcing to me: 130 pounds. That’s it! I made it! I’m finally perfect… I haven’t weighed 130 pounds since I was in high school a bunch of years ago, back when I weighed, um, 130 pounds. In high school, […]
Feisty Quill takes you on a journey of Trump’s denial, and hopes that there is not, in fact, a coup. Plus a video from one-hit wonder Semisonic.
I write about the pending election results when they are still pending. By the time I finish, Joe Biden is elected!
It is Thursday of what has become, not election night, but election week. I cannot understand. I don’t mean the electoral college nonsense, which is a take-all for the state, or a leave-all for the state. Oh, except for those weird exception states, where each of the candidates could get partial electoral college votes. You […]
(AKA Things President Trump has said…and not said). Trump did, indeed, say that when Mexican immigrants come in, “they are not sending their best…rapists, murderers,” etc., etc. HE said that, not the media. Trump. In 2017, after Chartlottesville, when several people were injured and one woman killed, he DID say that there were “fine people […]
A blog entry I started 9 days ago, finally finished, and am now in nail-biting anxiety as much as the next guy. Who will become our President?
I offer 5 good reasons not to vote for Trump. I also have a picture of a woman from Sweden (disguised as a Norwegian). Also, way more than 5 reasons disguised as subpoints.