Looking back at the triumphs and trials of the Trump presidency. Hopefully not looking forward…
Crocodile Tears

You will immediately know why I am not particularly sad for the Trumps now that out President has tested positive. Then, together we all learn about three kinds of tears.

The shame of our first Presidential debate, the shame of our Presidency, and two men fighting like little kids in our diseased United States.
Slowing Down with the Big Lebowski

Yesterday, I brushed my cat for 15 or even 20 minutes. I didn’t have anything else that I had to do, and he was happy to be that spoiled. I noticed how good it felt, just to be in the moment of what was happening….which was nothing. It was marvelous. Most of the time in […]
Sadly, Breonna Taylor is only one in a long list of African Americans who have been killed by police officers. There are no jokes here.

The injuries and loss of life on 9/11 will forever be seared into our collective US memory. There is more to recognize.

Strange that people have to work on Labor Day. Disgusting that there is so much starvation on the planet.

(Song)”You say potato, I say potahto.” Actually, you say potato and I say potato chips! Here’s how to be a perfect couple, if there is such a thing.

From all of your stuff, if you could pack only one box, what would be in it?
Songs Stuck in My Head

When songs get stuck in your head, you have no choice but to listen to them, right? Also, we have to hope Dolly Parton is not a pedophile.