
Welcome to the Feisty Quill. It’s truly lovely to make your acquaintance. I would love to hear from you, so please subscribe, comment, reach me via email or Facebook, and, of course, share the Feisty Quill with friends, neighbors, and distant relatives. Let’s not forget close relatives and distant friends, either.

In a perfect world, I would love the Feisty Quill to be a respite from politics, wars, Covid, and all things difficult and icky. That said, a lot of what is important in life includes: politics, wars, Covid as well as all things difficult and icky, so, um, there is no respite. I’m not a political writer, per se, but I sometimes just can’t help myself. I admit, it’s easier for me to write much less about politics since Trump was dragged out of office and sent packing to Mar-a-Lago. (He accidentally took a few extra boxes, though). A lot of time, Feisty Quill looks at the other stuff, too, though not always. Important stuff like hair. And cats. Gray’s Anatomy.

I’m not trying to sell anything. I’m just a writer who wants to–needs to–write. Every time I sit down to write, I let the muse take me where she will. From those musings emerged such May 2020 classics as “Defrosting the Freezer,” “Insomnia 3000” and “Banana Shrimp Pancakes” (Don’t worry; they were never intended to be edible). In “Defrosting the freezer,” for instance, I share with you my genius invention of cobweb toilet paper. (It was early pandemic; remember the shortage?). I am not in control of the muse…but I like her. Let’s ride the word wave together, shall we?

Welcome to the Feisty Quill. I’m glad you are here. Hell, between war, politics, Covid, and death, I’m glad I’m still here, too!

Facebook: Feisty Quill Email: feistyquill@com